Tuesday 8 April 2014

Kenyan TV Girl Brutalised By Boyfriend For Daring To Ask Him About His Other Affair [Viewer Discretion]

A Kenyan Tv girl and former Youth TV Kenya producer, Elizabeth Irungu has been beaten black and blue by her boyfriend for daring to asking him about a lady she suspected he was dating. Instead of a straight answer, he descended on her with kicks and blows, and left her with a swollen black eye and busted lips. She took her anger to social media where she posted a picture of her battered self and asked him openly if she deserved the beatings. “F**K YOU #JAFFAR #CAADEY #SHARIF!!! A SWOLLEN EYE & BUSTED LIP? REALLY BABY? DID I DESERVE THIS? YOU ARE LOOSER IN THS LIFE & DA NEXT! , *crying* I REGRET WHY I EVER MET THIS COWARD & WHY NILI INGIA BOX YAKE NDOGO! NKT! God why do i date bad boyz? Why do i fall head over heelz in love wit loosers? smh! #cryingSoHard” she said. A picture of her deformed face below: [viewer discretion]

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